Confronting Your Own Red Seas (Part 1) “Protecting Us From Destruction”


In Exodus 14 Israel has just left the slavery of Egypt. God leads them to the Red Sea. They have no way to cross it and they look behind them and King Pharaoh and his entire Egyptian army are coming hard after them. They are downwind in a Category 5 storm!

Ever feel this way in your life or ministry? I sure have! When you are in the ministry, you will face your share of Red Seas – guaranteed! You are either facing one, coming out of one, or heading toward one!

We recently went through a resignation at the ministry we had been at for 35 years, a literal hurricane that wiped out our house, and the death of Deniece’s dad (whom we loved dearly). This all happened in a 5 month period!

Ever wonder why God leads us the Red Sea route at times? There was a quicker and easier route for Israel, and they could have been in their new land in a couple of weeks. Why the Red Sea route? Why the wilderness route? Here are a few thoughts that I hope will encourage you today!

The Red Sea route can protect us from destruction. 

In Exodus 13:17-18 we learn that had God taken Israel the shortest and quickest route, they would have never reached their desired destination. Yes, on paper (on Google Maps) it was quicker, but guess what? Had they followed Google Maps instead of God’s directions, they would have never gotten there.

● They would have either been destroyed in war (by nations more adept at war) or been so discouraged at the sight of war, they would have turned tail and run – quit, returned to Egypt and continued to live in bondage.

Sometimes we are mentally, emotionally, or spiritually unprepared for what awaits us on the easy, most direct route, so God takes us off road. God does know best.

Israel saw Pharaoh charging hard, and they were faithless. I love Moses’ response (great leadership moment) in Exodus 14:13-14.

“And Moses said to the people, “Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will work for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again. The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.”

Paraphrase – “Don’t fear and don’t retreat! Shut your mouths, open your eyes, and watch God at work. You have a front row seat to see something that nobody has ever seen before. You will be talking about this the rest of your life.”

Are you facing your own Red Sea right now in your personal life or ministry? Don’t let go of God! Hold fast to Jesus! If God has taken you off road to face a Red Sea type of route, please know that God has got this and He may be protecting you from something destructive in your life.

Next week we will examine part 2 of this and continue to explore why God leads us the Red Sea route instead of the quick and easy route.