Confronting Your Own Red Seas (Part 2) “Creating Great Opportunities”


Israel solved one problem – slavery. They finally escaped Egypt. Within hours they are facing another problem – The Red Sea! No way to cross it with Pharaoh breathing down their necks. Isn’t this life in the ministry? Like weeds, you get rid of one problem, and five more seem to crop up. 

If you’re Israel, what really must have seemed bizarre is that it was God that led them to the Red Sea. God backed them in a corner like sitting ducks.

Last week we began to explore why God would lead us the Red Sea route, instead of the quick and easy route. In our last blog we saw that the Red Sea route can protect us from destruction. But here is another encouraging thought:

The Red Sea route can create great opportunities. 

Pharaoh and his mighty army left that day to bring Israel back to slavery, but they never returned home! The Egyptians never saw them again. God made it clear that He did this for the sake of the Egyptians. Exodus 14:4, 17-18

God loved and cared for the Egyptians too. He wanted them to seek Him and know Him as the one and only true God. Imagine if Pharaoh would have returned leading the Israelites back as slaves. They would have never embraced the true God. The Red Sea was an incredible final testimony to these Egyptian people. They could know the true God and embrace Him, and I’m sure many did. Wouldn’t it be interesting to know the impact all of this had on their culture for years after this?

God may have you taking a Red Sea type of route so that others around you can know the true God, and can know the Savior, Jesus. Your Red Sea may be a powerful testimony to someone else – the way you handle and deal with it. There could be great opportunities that come out of your Red Sea. 

Many ministries that impact others were birthed in the depths of a Red Sea experience.

We had a couple in our ministry that suffered a tragic loss of their 40 year old son. But out of this Red Sea trial came an incredible ministry to others who are grieving a personal loss. This couple has helped hundreds of people through their grief.

My last year of our 35 year ministry where we pastored felt like one Red Sea after another, but out of those Red Sea experiences came our current ministry of helping other pastors. Because of what we have been through, we have such a passion and heart for pastors and their spouses. We understand the leadership challenges that come with every Red Sea type of obstacle. 

We are here for you!  But more importantly, please know that God has not left you. God is for you; not against you! Moses said, “Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will work for you today… The Lord will fight for  you, and you have only to be silent.”  

Next week we will examine part 3 and continue to explore why God leads us the Red Sea route instead of the quick and easy route.