My Personal Journey Through the Red Sea


     I want to share my personal journey through the “Red Sea.” Dan’s blog for the past four weeks has been about the Red Sea and what we can learn from it. 

     Before my Red Sea journey, I had been in the same church for 41 years. All Israel ever knew was the land of Egypt. Likewise, my entire adult life had been in Daytona Beach, Florida at the same church. You never know what to expect when you begin your journey through the Red Sea. For me, so many things happened one right after another. 

     First, Dan felt it was time for us to resign at our church. His heart was to help other pastors. He had pastored our church for almost 30 years and been on staff for nearly 35 years. He understood the hurt that pastors deal with. He wanted to use his years in ministry to help other pastors. That decision was life changing for me. To say goodbye to my church family that I loved dearly was extremely difficult. I am very relational and loved our flock so deeply. I had invested my entire life into relationships there. I grieved over our decision, but deep down I knew that it was the right one and that it was time to move on. But for me, it was like going through a death.

     Second, a month later our home was destroyed in Hurricane Ian. We had 14 inches of water throughout our entire house! We watched as almost everything in our home was put outside to the curb. I went from crying when the water first entered to praying that we would survive the flooding. We had to move to seven different locations while our home was being repaired. I learned so much about joy and contentment during this time. My house and furnishings don’t bring me internal joy. I can live without them. My most cherished possessions were still with me…my faith and family. I had enough! We moved back into our home the week of Christmas. We only had a bed and a card table to eat on, but I was thrilled! We were home again.

     Third, during the holidays, my Dad began having unexplained weakness in his legs. His one leg looked paralyzed. This continued and he had other symptoms appear in the next two months. In February, my Dad had a bad fall and was taken to the hospital by ambulance. After an extensive MRI of the whole body was done, we were told of his diagnosis. He had a very rare type of spinal cancer. One week later, he entered Heaven. Once again, my heart grieved. 

     I felt numb in so many ways. How many more tears could I cry? I knew that God was preparing us for something great. He had closed the doors at our church. Our old house was destroyed. My father was gone. Yes, I had traveled the Red Sea route. The Red Sea had come back down and there was no going back. God is with me, and He will guide us as we move forward!

     It has been almost a year since my journey started. I can write this now without tears. I can smile and laugh. I can see SO many blessings. I understand God in a deeper way. There are new opportunities. I look forward to what God has in-store for us. But this did not happen overnight. I had to go THROUGH the Red Sea. In ministry, we have to be willing to leave our comfort zone and go forward with Jesus. He will lead us through our own Red Seas and to our own “Promised Land” so to speak.

     I know that our lives will continue to have problems, but I know that God will never forsake us and will always guide us through. He will do the same for you. You may be going through your own Red Sea. There is no easy way through. You have to rely on Jesus’ strength! He will lead you through. You may have tears now, but joy does come in the morning.

     Dan preached an entire message on the Red Sea route at Parkview Church in Palm Coast, Florida. Here is the link if you would like to listen to it. I believe it will encourage your heart greatly!