Where Did Your Sermon Archive Go?


People have recently reached out to me to ask this question.

When I pastored, we had a meticulous archive of sermons and Bible studies that were available for free to help people grow in their faith. Countless hours were put into this resource designed to help others. People and pastors from all over the country and world utilized this free resource to assist them in their study of the Bible. Many of them were accompanied by my personal notes and handouts. And many of the Bible study series were compiled into small group curriculums at my local church.

Multiple people have reached out to me and asked why the Bible study material is no longer available. One person emailed the church to ask why they removed the link to all those resources. That person received back an unsigned response that said:

“I am sorry that you made the assumption that we would do something like this. Pastor Dan requested that we remove the sermons, and we no longer have access to them. He said that he would be using them on his own website; I do not have that website information.”

This was quite shocking to me! I had heard from several people that the archive was unavailable now, and that didn’t bother me at all. But because my name was specifically used as the reason, I wanted to make clear that no such request was ever made by me. I have not conversed with anybody from the church about removing my sermon archive. It would never be in my heart to remove Bible study resources from the hands of believers. I had absolutely nothing to do with this decision. I found out about this through other people that were looking for the material.   

Let me say, the church has every right to remove access to that material and archive. If for whatever reason they feel that they can no longer accommodate those resources for people, they are perfectly within their rights to make that decision and remove access to them. 

But it simply is not accurate to say that I requested that the archive be made inaccessible. There is not a text, email or phone call history that would show that I have requested this. This was a decision made by their leadership and I certainly was not a part of that discussion as the email suggests. I was not even notified that this was about to happen.

Again, if they want to make the archive inaccessible, that is their right and choice. But I was not involved in this decision. The archive material was not transferred to me from the church. They still possess the entire 15 year archive. I wanted to make clear that my heart would never have been to make those spiritual resources inaccessible to people.

But the good news is that I kept for myself a personal copy of all my sermon videos and notes that I preached.  

If you go to my YouTube channel, there are already about 5 or 6 years worth of my sermons. They are arranged by series. Here is the link…https://www.youtube.com/@helpforhurtingpastors/playlists

Since they have now made the entire archive inaccessible, I will be uploading more to my YouTube channel in the coming days. I plan to add my series on the book of Psalms soon! If there is anything you want or need, simply reach out to me. I can also send my notes from any sermon or sermon series. 

Also, here is a link to my current speaking schedule…I am preaching more than ever, having preached 23 times just in Jan-Feb. I will be adding to my schedule constantly, so please check back regularly and come and see us at one of the churches we will be at! As you will see, we are at Parkview Church in Palm Coast, FL for 3 out of 5 Sundays coming up soon. This is a thriving church that has 4 services every weekend – two on Saturday and two on Sunday. This church was planted 25 years ago and now has about 2,000 worshippers every weekend! Here is my speaking calendar! 


When we aren’t traveling and we are in Daytona, you can also see us at our home church…Christ the King Church of Port Orange. Scott Kirschner is the pastor and is an amazing Bible teacher and more importantly, a man of integrity and totally in love with Jesus! Or you can sometimes see us at Thrive Church in Port Orange. Our son is their worship leader and Pastor Pete has become a close friend and is an incredible Bible teacher. The worship there will lift you up to the throne room of God! 

Both of these churches will be building brand new buildings this coming year! I am so thankful that believers have some great choices for Bible teaching, grace-based churches in our area.  

We hope to see you soon! God bless you all!

Pastor Dan