What We Do

We exist to offer help and hope for hurting pastors. But what does this look like in a practical way?

What We Do

There is great power in simply “being there” for another person. Our heart is to be there for those in ministry.

After doing church ministry for 35 years we understand the need for pastors and their spouses to have somewhere to go to share their heart, fears, insecurities, battles, and struggles, and get spiritual and practical help.

We never make monetary demands of any kind for our services. If an individual or church wants to help with travel and ministry expenses, that is awesome, but it is never a demand or prerequisite. We trust God to meet our needs.

Here are some areas where we we can help pastors and their churches:

Pastoral Coaching
Pastoral Coaching

The greatest parallel to pastoring is coaching. I have coached sports for years and I am a coach at heart. I love to coach!

Pastoring is coaching people for everyday life here on planet earth. To teach them and to motivate them to live in a way that coincides with God’s plan, and that will create healthy relationships.

But where does the pastor go for coaching? Pastors need coaching too! Books and seminars are great, but sometimes we need an up-close, real person to coach us and help us to navigate life and ministry. A person that we can ask questions to.

What are some areas where we need coaching as pastors?

1. Coaching for personal health (mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual)
  • This is huge! So many times we can be building our ministry while we are falling apart internally.
  • The demands of the ministry can be overwhelming. Ministry burnout is at an all time high. You are expected to be good at everything and have all the answers. Pastors are expected to be spiritual, yet a successful CEO type of superhero.
  • There are SO many pressures, and most pastors are not protecting their mental, emotional, and physical health.
  • And usually the church and the board are not seeking to protect the pastor either. It is up to you to live a sensible lifestyle, keep a sane schedule, and carve out the proper time for yourself, your spouse, and your family.
  • But how do you do this? Coaching from an experienced pastor will help!
2. Coaching for ministry
  • How do I turn first time visitors into faithful church members?
  • How do I have an effective ministry that will attract young people?
  • What are some helpful tips for effective sermon preparation and sermon delivery?
  • How do you successfully deal with contentious church members?
  • How do I deal with staff problems in the right way?
  • How do I handle board issues and disagreements?
  • How do I lay out a three year vision for the church?
  • How can I better motivate people to give generously to the ministry?
  • These are just a few – it’s endless! There are so many areas where pastors simply need some personal coaching in order to increase effectiveness. Again, books and seminars are great, but personal coaching is even better!
3. Coaching for healthy family life
  • Many pastors are trying to help others while their own marriage and family are on life support, struggling to survive.
  • If this is you, please understand that this is common. The nature of ministry is giving, serving, sacrificing, etc…While this is awesome, it can cause us to have very little left to give at home in the relationships that matter the most!
  • But most pastors are too embarrassed to admit that their home life or marriage is dysfunctional or unhealthy.
  • Pastors and their wives have to have somewhere to go to be honest and get help. We ALL need help! We are all imperfect and carry baggage from our past.
  • We are here to help in any way! We understand what you are going through. We promise to provide HELP, not judgment and condemnation. Reach out to us today!
  • Pastors and their wives need a pastor (who can also be a friend)!
Personal Counseling for Pastors and Their Spouses
Personal Counseling for Pastors and Their Spouses

It is sometimes difficult for pastors to get the help they need. You feel like you can’t go to a person in your church. You are hesitant to even go to somebody in your local community.

You also struggle with feelings of guilt… “I’m a pastor. I should be able to work through these problems myself.”

And so many times, pastors and their wives just suffer in silence – for years!

We are here to help! We understand and we are here for you.

We can provide counsel and encouragement over the phone, over video chats, come to you, or you can come to Daytona Beach to us!

Free Resources
Free Resources

After pastoring for 30 years, I have a lot of knowledge and resources that I am willing to share (for free).

I offer an extensive sermon archive with multitudes of sermon series that I did through the years at my church and books of the Bible that I taught through. Don’t feel like you always need to reinvent the wheel! You can take a sermon series and then tweak it for your church.

Sermon Library

We will constantly be adding new free resources to the website.

But you can also feel free to reach out at any time on any subject, and I would love to share with you whatever I have.

Speaking and Teaching at Your Church

Through the years, it was a huge encouragement to me to have guest speakers come into my church – preachers that I could trust and that I knew would be a help and not a hindrance to my church.

What are the benefits of this?

  • It gives you a needed break from the weekly grind of sermon preparation.
  • It gives you a chance to simply sit, worship, and learn with your family and with your church.
  • It allows you to help your church with certain needed topics without you having to personally prepare for it yourself. Topics such as marriage, parenting, prayer, Bible Study, serving, spiritual gifts, discipleship, etc.
  • It provides you with the opportunity to get some good fellowship with another preacher where you can talk about life and share ministry ideas.

We are available to come to your church:

  • For a single Sunday
  • For a conference of some sort
  • For discipleship training
  • For staff training
  • Or to simply teach for you while you take a needed break for a Sunday or several Sundays. Dan just did 6 weeks in a row for a pastor while he was on Sabbatical.
Interim Preaching for Churches Without a Pastor
Interim Preaching for Churches Without a Pastor

We are happy to fill needed gaps for churches without a pastor to teach, love, and encourage the people in the absence of a lead pastor.

An experienced interim preacher can be of great benefit to a church in transition. It can bring needed stability, continuity, and calmness to the congregation.

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