Pastors Need Ministry Too! Deniece and I have embarked on a new ministry of helping, encouraging, mentoring, and “being there” for pastors and their spouses. But...
The Luring Temptation of Self Glory The Pharisees were infatuated with their own glory. They wanted to parade their power, position, and spirituality in front of others. Jesus...
My Personal Journey Through the Red Sea I want to share my personal journey through the “Red Sea.” Dan’s blog for the past four weeks has been about...
Confronting Your Own Red Seas (Part 4) “Closing the Door to the Past” There are times when I have encountered problems and it was clearly my own choices that led me into it. Ever been there? We can’t blame...
Confronting Your Own Red Seas (Part 3) “Understanding God in a Deeper Way” In my past two blogs we have been exploring why God sometimes leads us the Red Sea route, instead of the quick and easy route. Google Maps...
Navigating Through the Desert of Loneliness A few years back Dan and I took a road trip. We traveled by car from Florida to California. Somewhere in California, our Google...
Dealing with Discouragement It is real! It is powerful! It is deadly! It is called discouragement! This is something that I believe every person in...
Confronting Your Own Red Seas (Part 2) “Creating Great Opportunities” Israel solved one problem – slavery. They finally escaped Egypt. Within hours they are facing another problem – The Red Sea! No...