
What We Believe

Our ministry is not connected with any particular denomination. We are here to help any pastor that needs help, encouragement, love, support, or coaching! We will all differ on non-essential issues, but we can still work together, love each other, encourage each other, and learn from each other!

The items below are not meant to be a detailed nor exhaustive doctrinal statement. We simply want others to know that we believe in the essential and crucial doctrines of the Christian faith. If you need detail on any other subject, reach out to us! We would be glad to discuss it with you.


Our foundation is Jesus and His grace! We believe that Jesus is the only foundation on which to build our lives.

The Trinity

We believe there is one God in three persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).

Jesus Christ

We believe that Jesus was God revealed in the flesh and He lived a sinless life. We believe that Jesus is the only answer for our sin against God, and only Jesus can bring us into a right relationship with God. Jesus did this by fully paying our sin-debt to God on the cross and rising from the dead physically three days later. Jesus ascended bodily to heaven and will one day return bodily to earth.

Salvation & Eternity

We believe that it is Jesus’ finished work on the cross that will save us from our sin and ourselves. We do not believe that salvation can be gained any other way than Jesus. Our good works cannot save us.

The Bible

We believe the Bible is the Word of God. It is not given to us simply to increase our knowledge alone, but to change and transform our lives.