Our Ministry

Our heart and passion is to help pastors and their spouses minister effectively while protecting their own mental and emotional health.
Nobody understands the life and challenges of a pastor except another pastor - somebody who has been there and done that.

But We Understand...

Like every other human being, pastors can have marital problems, parenting challenges, depression, anxiety, addictions, insecurities, financial struggles, physical problems, and everything else that other human beings deal with.

But Pastors and their Spouses also have to deal with...

  • The burnout that can come from constantly giving and pouring into other peoples’ lives. It can drain you!
  • The constant Staff and Board issues where contention can arise so suddenly and without warning.
  • The incredible weight of responsibility you feel from speaking publicly week after week, and the preparation that goes into it. It is mentally and physically draining!
  • The feeling of living in a glass house and so many seem to expect perfection out of you and your family.
  • The deep hurt you feel when church members disappear, leave the church, and YOU without so much as a “goodbye.”
  • The struggles, problems, and past baggage you have to carry and deal with seemingly alone because no one else understands or cares.

That's Why We're Here

We understand this better than most, having pastored for 35+ years in Daytona Beach, Florida. And we're here to help!

Despite the outward success we saw in our ministry, there were so many bumps, bruises, and intense pain to navigate through in both our ministry and personal lives. As we built ministry friendships with other pastors, spouses, and their families, it became quickly apparent that we weren’t alone.

Nearly every pastor and their family has experienced the heartbreaks, relational aches, ministry disappointments and setbacks we faced. And almost all of them feel like they have nowhere to turn. Despite their best efforts and intentions, there is simply no way your Board, Staff, or your church members can understand the challenges you are facing or you have faced.

But we do! That’s why we resigned from the Lead Pastor position at our church in October of 2022 so we could embark on building a new ministry of helping hurting pastors!

There isn’t much we haven’t seen and experienced in 35 years of ministry in the local church. We desire to use that experience to help pastors and their wives.

Please know that we would absolutely love for you to reach out to us and we are willing to help in any possible way. People go to their pastor when they are hurting and need help, counsel, or guidance. But where does the pastor go?

We are here for you! Every day pastors are quitting for a variety of reasons. Don’t quit without talking to somebody! There may be other solutions to what you are feeling.

Contact Us

Reach out to us to book a call today! We would love to hear from you.

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