
Coaching that Encourages, Strengthens, and Equips

Over the years, we've had the honor and privilege of building relationships with pastors and spouses from all across the United States.

For us, this isn't a means of building our platform or gaining recognition. Rather, we genuinely care about supporting pastors and their spouses by coming alongside them and being a voice of encouragement and strength.

We're grateful for every opportunity to connect with and invest in pastors. And we're so appreciative of their feedback and their testimonies about the impact we've made in their lives.

Kevin Roberts
Kevin Roberts

Lead Pastor of New Hope Baptist Church in Wauchula, FL

I have had the privilege of knowing Dan since childhood. My family and I were honored to call him Pastor and were blessed to sit under his ministry for many years. Many wonderful things could be said about Dan, from his leadership and wisdom to his personality. One thing I always admired about him was how he carried himself behind the scenes. Growing up, I spent much time at his house because I was best friends with his son. By doing so, I came to see, he is a man of great character who loves Jesus and people. 

Dan is a spiritual father to me and has helped me tremendously in my ministry. As a young pastor, it is difficult to navigate through issues that arise. Dan has been the guy I have called to help me walk through some of my difficulties. He has taught me so much over the past years about life and ministry. I can’t think of a better person to minister to young and hurting pastors. Not only does he have experience and an excellent track record in ministry, but he also can help teach others who are in need. 

Mike and Cheryl Grover
Mike and Cheryl Grover

Lead Pastor at Fellowship Baptist Church, Thonotosassa, FL

I can truly say of Dan Proctor that he is one of my dearest and best friends. Our relationship goes back over 30 years to our freshman year in college. Over these years I have been amazed at the leadership lessons and abilities that Dan has been able to pass on to others as he encouraged them to serve Jesus with their absolute best. He led a small struggling church with great financial difficulties to become a model of financial stability and ministry growth. He has personally helped me think through many difficult moments in the 16 years that I have been the lead pastor at Fellowship Baptist church and has been one of my most trusted sources of wisdom. I am excited about this new season of ministry and opportunity that Dan is engaged in!

Steve Proctor
Steve Proctor

Lead Pastor at Westwood Baptist Church, Poplar Bluff, MO

One of the greatest privileges of my life and ministry was leading my brother Dan to Christ when he was thirteen years old. For forty-four years now I have watched him grow and develop as a Christian and as a Pastor. I have always admired his gifts and abilities, but especially his compassion for people. When I heard that he was starting a ministry to help pastors I was thrilled because I know that he is uniquely qualified for this ministry. Although I am nine years his senior, I have personally turned to him so often when I needed advice, counsel, direction, or just a sympathetic listening ear. His advice and help is always practical and rooted and grounded in Scripture. Dan is a very unique blend of grace and truth – always speaking the truth in love.  Now that God has used him for thirty-five years as a pastor, I believe God is going to take all of that accumulated wisdom and experience and use it in an even greater way!

Jason Pace
Jason Pace

Lead Pastor at First Christian Church, Wilmington, IL

I met Dan while vacationing with my family in Daytona Beach, Florida. We needed a place to worship on Sunday, and God led us to Dan. Dan greeted my family at the church entrance, I shared that I was a new pastor from the Chicago area, and his authentic care for those in ministry was evident from that point. He invited me to coffee the next morning. But (maybe unlike others) his offer was not merely a pleasantry. We made arrangements and he showed up…physically and spiritually ready to serve me; hear me, share with me, invest in me, pray with me, and be an ongoing resource for pastoral support. Dan has stayed connected with me regularly over the past 2 years. He sends me random text messages of encouragement, he shares resources with me, he provides me with leadership guidance in terms of direction and conversation preparation. And, he has a powerful network of people and resources for additional support. Rarely will you find someone with such rich ministry experience in terms of tenure and growth, who also has the gift & passion for investing in minister’s health, their families, and to grow the Kingdom wide and deep. I’m forever thankful for that day that God led me to Dan.

Steve Schmuck
Steve Schmuck

Lead Pastor at Red Lion Bible Church in Red Lion, PA

I met Dan Proctor at Trinity Baptist College in 1985. For the past 38 years, Dan has been a trusted friend, valued mentor, constant encourager, and invaluable resource to me as a fellow pastor. Dan has always provided sound Biblical advice and a listening ear. God has blessed Dan with wisdom beyond his years. His many years of experience in church ministry have equipped him with the skills and wisdom needed to navigate a variety of situations.  Dan is incredibly approachable, practical and insightful. He would be a tremendous resource for any person in ministry seeking counsel and support.

Scott Kirschner
Scott Kirschner

Lead Pastor of Christ the King Community Church, Port Orange, FL

Dan Proctor has been a Godsend in my life! I was a rebellious teenager and he was a young, new assistant Pastor when God brought us together. When I came back to the Lord, Dan loved me and helped me pick up the broken pieces of my life. He became a mentor and a dear friend. We have had the privilege of serving together through the years in church ministry and I am always grateful for Dan’s insight, wisdom and care that he shares with me. It’s been almost 35 years since we first met and I know I wouldn’t be the Pastor and person I am today without Dan’s friendship and help.

Ricky Ortiz
Ricky Ortiz

Lead Pastor of Meta Church, New York, NY

There’s really not enough room to say all that I would love to say about Dan and Deniece! They’ve been a part of my life for over 20 years – from adolescence to adulthood. I was ordained into pastoral ministry under Dan’s leadership, and as I stepped away from their church into my first full-time pastoral position, it was Dan and Deniece who called on the church to invest and support us financially. Nearly 13 years later, when my father passed away unexpectedly, Dan made it a point to text and call on a consistent basis to provide support and encouragement while I navigated dealing with my personal grief and leading my church. If you’re a pastor or a couple in ministry in search of people who “get it” and will walk with you, I would highly recommend reaching out to Dan and Deniece!

Larry Luffman
Larry Luffman

Lead Pastor of Freedom Baptist Church, Axton, Virginia

I have known Dan and Deniece for over 20 years now. They have been the most influential couple in my family’s life. I served on Dan’s staff for over six years. Since then I have been a Lead Pastor for 13 years in another state. Through it all, Dan has always been a mentor, encourager, a confidant, but most of all, a dear and very close friend in my life. Dan has poured into me so much over the years. From message resources, wise counsel, Biblical insight, and yes, even his corny jokes, he hasn’t once neglected to come alongside me and help.

Through my 13 years as a Lead Pastor, through every problem, difficult situation, or if I just needed advice or encouragement, Dan and Deniece were there to step in and speak truth, love, and hope into my wife and me. Dan would stay in touch with me even without my initiation. Even while carrying the heavy responsibility of being a Lead Pastor himself of a church of over 1,000 that ran multiple services throughout the week and oversaw a large staff of other pastors and support staff. He did this over and over again without hesitation. We love them both very much.

Unfortunately many pastors feel they have to lead alone. It is just not true! Pressure, difficulty, and life itself can cause you to think that you just have to stick it out, hang in there until it’s over, or outlast the problem. That doesn’t work, and it is wrong. You need others who understand your frustrations, who have walked where you have walked. Someone you can open up to, without the fear of judgment or that you have disappointed someone because you are asking for help – Dan and Deniece are those people.

What Dan and Deniece say is so true – you don’t have to lead alone. I wish I had understood that and believed that when I first became a pastor. It would have saved me a lot of heartache, frustration, and the feeling of being alone. I thank God for this ministry that God has given Dan and Deniece, and God is going to use their experience of over 30 years to help others just like they have and continually do today with me.